Here we do wonderful things

We like diversity

We will start your story together

We will change your perspective

Science that makes family

Grupo UR More than 35 years promoting life!

We welcome you to the Lleida Reproduction Unit, the fertility center of the International Group of UR Reproduction Units (UR Group) in Lleida , which offers high-level Reproductive Medicine to its patients. More than 35 years of experience endorse the techniques and treatments of this leading group in fertility processes in Spain, which has assisted reproduction clinics in the main Spanish provincial capitals, with international expansion in Mexico and Nicaragua.

Training, teaching and research are the three fundamental pillars that have allowed the UR Group to develop the most innovative treatments and techniques that science has been revealing regarding fertility.

Experienced specialists, comprehensive care, complex fertility processes, genetic studies, state-of-the-art technology, rigor at work and commitment to our patients to achieve our goal together: to make your dream of being parents come true.

Creando Familias Magazine

We are pleased to introduce you the new issue of the UR International Group magazine in which the experts answer many of the questions that patients asks  us at center.

You will find all its content in the following link.

For us the most important thing is to be by your side.


    • 3 DE MARCH DE 2017
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    Dia 8 de Març Dia internacional de les Dones

    S’acosta el Dia Internacional de la Dona, i com la majoria dels que se segueixen celebrant, és perquè les reivindicacions per la igualtat encara no s’acompleixen. La llarga lluita de les dones per aconseguir la plena igualtat de drets en tots els aspectes de la vida social i laboral segueix activa, per a que no

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    La Núria Picas, campiona del món, ens cita!

      No deixeu de llegir una història vital impressionant. Un llibre d’ una esportista diferent en tots els sentits. I a sobre parla de nosaltres i del procés de Fecundació In Vitro, que requereix sovint perserverància com l’ esport, per a aconseguir ser mare juntament amb la seva parella gràcies al FIV Lleida del Policlinic Lleida. Tenim la

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